Well, I suppose I could try picking this blog back up again. I fell off right after my first book was released, thanks to my crippling issues with depression and anxiety.
I have been writing, here and there. I have a book half way done, and a short half way done. Which, for two years since my last book release, isn't great. But I know that I can't help it, and I know that it won't be long before I have something, even if its just a few short stories, written and subbed.
I'm trying my hand at a BDSM short that is really fun and helping me explore my creative writing again. With my mental issues clouding my mind, it has been extremely hard to write, to read, to do anything honestly, even just vegging out and watching tv. So to know that I have written a few thousand words in the past few months is a huge improvement compared to the past two years.
There was just so much clutter. In my life, in my head, in my house. After losing myself in the dark void of my mind for so long, I needed a fresh start. My boyfriend and I cleaned, sorted, and arranged our entire house, room by room. We trashed what we didn't need anymore, or gave it away if it was still usable. I'm not gonna say I could have been on hoarders, but it was close! With the house looking clean and organized, and my body moving from the cleaning, I was feeling better.
Writing is much harder now then it ever used to be. Thinking of how to form basic sentences was a task in itself when I first started writing again a few months ago. It was like I had forgotten everything, and was learning to walk again through a foggy maze. The information is all there, but it is hidden in mind, and my mind is nothing but haze these days. That haze is slowly clearing, and I can write creative sentences again, beyond just basic sentence formation. I never realized how crippling and deteriorated my mind had become from my mental illness.
Once I realized this, I have been actively trying to get in to see a doctor. Hoping that an appointment will happen at an income based place soon.
Besides that, I realized that I needed help in my physical state too. My body had shut down in so many ways from years of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and chemically processed food, and inactivity from either pain or depression, usually both. So we decided to start juicing! Detox first for three days to cleanse our systems, then juice from there on a regular basis. After watching documentaries on Netflix, like Food Matters, we decided there was no time like the present to start trying to be healthy.
With our chickens and goats roaming the yard, and our plans for a hydroponics garden developing, it feels like a fresh beginning, and some type of purpose, to help keep me grounded from anxiety and depression when they cloud my mind.
So I guess that's what I'll be trying to talk about in my blog now. Updating on my mental and physical health, anything going on with my writing, or farm life. So I'll update again soon. For now, its back to writing, so maybe I can show off a blurb soon. ;)
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