Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Slow Going...

       So it has been 6 weeks and 6 days since I've sent my lovely Silk Monsoon manuscript to the publisher. No word yet. Of course, I can only imagine my reactions are what any newbie author feels. I think back on my plot and I feel like its weak, I wonder if I should have spiced it up somehow, oh crap I said that! how cliche!...and so on.  I've been assured that my fears are silly and that no news is good news at this point. I sure hope so! That 8 week mark is closing in, and I hope to hear from them by then! If not, should I try another publisher and take it as a bad omen? Or nudge them and say HEY look at my book! lol. I guess we will find out in a week!
         Besides that ever-looming thought, I've been editing for an author friend Tedi Sinclair :)  SO excited to see these books that have been on the back burner, get edited and hopefully submitted soon! Any fans of paranormal and shifter erotica MM books should check out these series! Supernatural Royalty and Strays Series! 
          I've also been tweaking bits of my current WIP, Peer Pressure. Its so touchy with the content, seeing as Jax is a Senior in highschool, and Ryan is his substitute teacher. Although Jax is 19, having been held back a year, I don't know if it is too taboo to be picked up by a publisher. This book is my heart right now, and I will see it through to the end! Hopefully, if any changes have to be made, they won't be too severe! And I will always have this original copy for any fans to read in the future. 
Hmm, what other news is there? Plot bunnies have been bouncing in my head for new books, and possibly a series in the works. Shifters, paranormal, historical, all kinds! Which reminds me! I wonder if Silk Monsoon will be considered a series, or a stand alone? My idea is that all of the historical plots I have, happen in the same 'world'. They all exist in their time period, in different areas. Like Jake and Maxwell are in India. Well, Maxwell's friend, Elijah Rathbone, who is mentioned in Silk Monsoon, lives in England and has his own story to be told. Would that be considered enough of a tie for a series? Hmm, we shall see what the publisher says. IF I EVER HEAR FROM THEM! ok calm down,
Hopefully my next update will have more exciting news!

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