Sunday, March 24, 2013

POV issues

Apparently I am, and forever will be, terrible at POV issues lol. I see things in my head, and write what I see. To me it makes sense, and I think to others it does as well, but alas, there are RULES that must be obeyed! So, I am dragging with the edits! Having to re-write whole scenes when there are so many distractions is difficult! I will take it all as a learning experience though. After all, I am just starting out! I have lot to learn if I want to make it as an author.
I suppose my biggest step right now is to find a 'zone' and sit my butt in the chair and just write. Set a certain time for myself to be working and get something done! I can always work on my off time, but I need 'on the clock' time if I want to see more books out!
So today, after some grub and chores, I am going to plop down and see what I come up with! Maybe an excerpt like I promised? lol
Anyway! Here's some eye candy! Hmm, he looks like two characters of mine: Aaron and Strauss <3

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