Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Impatiently Waiting

So I submitted Silk Monsoon maybe a week ago, and I've been checking my email constantly lol. I know it could take weeks, but that doesn't keep me from opening gmail like its Christmas lol. There will be an email in my inbox before I know it! After all, I should be focusing on Camp Nano!
It started this week, and I have a goal of 30k. Not alot, compared to some, but at the writing rate I've had, I will be amazed to have that done lol. So I suppose that means its time to crack open my WIP and get to writing! Like, NOW! I wonder if any of my cabin mates are writing?
Anywho, I'm taking a trip to Tennessee on the 11th, so maybe I'll get inspired up there to keep writing. I have a feeling my plot bunnies will be running rampant! Which is good for future books, bad for this one! But how can one not be inspired by the rushing waters, the green hills and forests, the foggy mountains, and the banjos?!  I can think of several M/F plot lines, but hmm, what about an M/M set in the logging era? GASP! We shall see! Oh yes...see we shall ;)

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