Friday, April 19, 2013

Back to Reality

So, I am back from my relaxing vacation! Had a blast, despite some set backs. There was no Internet or phone service at the cabin, and hardly any through the town. That was upsetting at first, but really helped me step back from technology for awhile and dive into my vacation!
We saw 3 bears, I think a mama and her cubs. Deer were everywhere, as well as turkeys in Cade's cove. We took a drive up through Cataloochee to see the elk! So cool! They get so close to you! I also did a bit of ghost hunting up there, since its a hobby of mine. Perfect opportunity in such a historic area. We climbed up Clingman's Dome, which at times felt like I had to drag myself up! Completely worth it! The most amazing views! I wish I could add pictures to show...which reminds me...
My laptop won't turn on! I was all ready to crack her open and write one night, when I saw, despite a whole night of charging, she was dead. So no pics to upload or writing for me either! Took it to the shop today so we shall see what they say...My ideas are still bouncing in my head, so I need to jot some notes down or just hand write while I'm at work tonight.
Also, still no word from the publisher. I'm a bit nervous about that, but I'm hoping their slush pile was so large that they just haven't gotten to mine yet. So I really need to distract myself now with more writing!
Anywho, I clearly failed at Nano camp lol, but hopefully I can make up for the lost wordage soon!

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