Friday, April 26, 2013

Excerpt from Peer Pressure

Jackson was flush against me as his tongue swirled inside of my mouth. I lost myself in the intensity of his kiss, feeling heat rush to my face. The rational side of me tried to break away, but it was obvious which side was stronger. I slowly raised my shaky hand to weave through his hair, but a loud knock on the door made my hand fall as I jumped away from his embrace.
Uhh, I should get that. It's probably Troy.” I tripped as I rushed to the door that was my salvation. As I opened it and saw the face behind it, my hopes crashed. “Leanna?”
Do you not know how to answer a phone? I've been trying to reach you for days.” I could see Troy's shocked face behind her. Her tone was argumentative and my defenses built up immediately.
I've been busy. Is something wrong?”
She studied my flushed face and I knew her wheels were turning. “Busy, huh?” She pushed past the door and saw Jackson standing by the couch. “Lovely.”
Her tone seemed soaked in venom, and her grin was slightly wicked. Jackson scoffed and walked towards us. “I'm going out to smoke.” He leaned close to her face as he squeezed through. “Excuse me.” He shut the door behind him, leaving me and my ex-wife alone.
That's what you're so busy with? Sorry our divorce is getting in the way of your fun.”
It's not what you think.”
Oh, isn't it? You think I don't know that look on your face? You used to get like that with me, back when you liked women. Do yourself a favor and crawl on out of the closet, Aaron. You're only fooling yourself at this point. And how old is he anyway? Someone your own age isn't good enough anymore?”
My blood was boiling. “Do you need something, or did you just run out of people to bitch at?”
She reared back like she had been slapped. I guess she wasn't used to me standing up for myself, but I wasn't exactly the same man she married and pushed into submission. She snapped her gaping mouth shut, then fluffed up her hair with a sigh.
I came over to tell you that we have a meeting with our lawyers next week.”
I'm well aware. I've received plenty of letters from your attorney.”
Also, you still have my grandfather's watch collection. I want it back.”
I don't have it.”
Look again. You were the last person in possession of them.”
I can tell you right now, I don't have the watches. I left basically everything at the house when I moved out. They were not in my boxes.”
She pointed her finger at me, inches from my face. “You find them, Aaron, or I will be demanding compensation in the terms of our divorce.” She turned away and slung open the door.
Jackson and Troy both turned to look as she emerged into the outside hallway. Leanna studied Jackson's face before she stormed off for her car. I sighed and fell against the doorway.
Still that sweet angel I remember from college.” Troy joked as he watched her drive away.

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